Hey all, the blog has been a little quiet for the last few days because we've been preparing to move it permanently to a new location. Blogger has served us well for over two years, but it's time to move on.
- Really big pictures
- Categories. Now if you just want to look at posts about Harriet, or Photography Tips, you can.
- A neato flash header thing I made that shows off some pictures of Win and Hattie and some professional work.
- Every time you refresh the page, you get a new picture of Rachel! (Well, to be truthful, I've only uploaded 5 so far, but there will be more. Go ahead, refresh your browser a bunch and see how long it takes to see all 5!)
- This site gets hit alot and linked at quite a bit. Now Google will love RachelHendersonPhotography.com a lot more. And as I often say, who doesn't want to be loved by Google?