Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Kicking Back with a Book

Win has this new thing lately, he lays on his back and looks at his books. I think that it is really cute.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Happy Memorial Day

Win dressed for the occasion.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Night at the Roberts'

Last night we hung out and had a bonfire with some friends at Dave & Ceci Roberts' place. Here are a few shots of Win playing, and a couple of baby Soe (my friend Josh's daughter).

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Park Day, New Camera

Here are couple shots of Win and his buddy Noelen hanging out at the local park. Rachel is trying to establish a Thursday morning routine with a bunch of moms she knows in the downtown area to meet at the park and hang out with the kids.

These images are also the first we've posted from Rachel's slick new camera and lenses which arrived in the mail last night. She really likes them.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Official Launch

Hey everybody, today is our official launch of the Rachel Henderson Photography website. Woo-hoo! The site has been up for a few months, but has been sort of under construction and not totally presentable. Now it's re-skinned with Rachel's new logo and colors, and we're pretty pleased with how it looks. But mostly what makes it a great site is Rachel's amazing pictures.

So, anyway, we thought we'd share with yall and invite any feedback you have. Also, if any of you have blogs or websites and would like to link to Rachel's site, we'd really appreciate it - the more links the better our Google rankings!

A special thanks to Bruce and Jan for the camera that got Rachel started, and Winfield our beloved little monster for giving Rachel a cute subject to practice on for over a year.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Helping Out

Now that the weather is nice, Win spends lots of time outside. He likes to eat rocks, touch dirty things, scrape his knees, and whatever else he can think of. Here's a shot of him near Rachel's garden.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Olympic Ambitions

Win heard that Olympic athletes trained and competed in the buff. Because 15 months is about the time when a person must decide that they want to be in the Olympics, Win got out a ball and began his training. We didn't correct him on the difference between the modern and ancient games.
Really, Win has had a little rash in his diaper area lately. His pediatrician told us to bath him often and then let him run around without a diaper. Jared and I thought that the backyard was the perfect place for him do said running around. Naked with shoes is a pretty funny image.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Caption Necessary?

Monday, May 14, 2007

How Much is that Doggie in the Window?

Win spends a significant portion of his day looking out his window. He loves to get the attention of visitors and passers by. When he seen someone whose attention he wants he knocks vigorously on the window, sometimes they see him, most often they are way to far away to notice the little boy who is desperate to wave and smile to them.

The past several weeks have been gorgeous here in Holland--sunny, 60s, beautiful. Win has been playing outside a lot. He clearly enjoys being outside more than looking out the window. But the window is good for those times when running around on the pavement and through the grass isn't possible.

Yesterday we played at the park for a while. Win loved going down the slides and then climbing back up them. He really liked walking and climbing all over the large play/jungle/thingy that has lots of slides, bridges, and bars. At one point he got going a little too fast and took a tumble. He caught himself with his arms but he didn't quite completely stop his head from brushing the pavement. Today he has one of those little pavement kisses right between his eyes. It's pretty cute, he looks like a boy and not a baby.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Nice Shorts!

Sorry for the lull in posts lately. We've had a busy week. Jared and I traveled to Chicago for a photography conference on Tuesday and Wednesday. My parents, Grandpa and Grandma Dean, came to Holland and stayed with him for those 2 days. You'd think that after a photography conference I would remember to take pictures of him with his grandparents but my enthusiasm was slowed by the severe cold, fever and cough that hit me on Sunday night. Other than an embarrassing case of the sniffles the conference was amazing.Win dropped his screwdriver when he was helping Jared and Josh work on their mopeds yesterday.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

He's Got the Who-ole World in His Mouth

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Because Luke did it

Win finally decided to start walking a few days ago. It started with a few small tentative steps between chairs, but now he's really getting the hang of it. For important errands and speed, he still prefers crawling, but we think that may not last long.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

I See a Future in the Spa Industry

In addition to back massages Win is also quite good at giving pedicures.