Monday, November 26, 2007

Win dislikes posed pictures more than I do.

Over Thanksgiving we lined up all of the cousins for the traditional cousin lineup picture. It was quite a scene-Win being the worst behaved kid. Getting 10 children 5 and under to sit in a row is no easy task. We lined up all 10 kids but Win refused to cooperate. We even tried to bribe him with the usually off-limits computer mouse, which you can see sitting on the floor. After trying to reason and bribe a tantruming toddler we resorted to brute force. I sat in the lineup and forced Win into position--sort of.

Harriet is in this picture. You can see her face under Sarah's arm. She is wrapped in a brown blanket and kind of looks like a cocoon resting behind Willow, who is crawling away.

What you can't see are the nearly 20 adults who are behind the camera sending encouragement to their children to remain in place.


Blogger Jan said...

The picture doesn't do the sound level in the room justice!

6:21 AM  
Blogger JOHANNA said...

I like the reflection of all the parents with cameras! best part.

5:00 PM  

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