Thursday, July 26, 2007

Fine Dining

On Monday evening my Grandpa and Grandma treated their whole family to a dinner in the very fancy dining room of their facility (think dress code). There were 28 of us. Win sat next to Suzanna, his almost 12 year old second cousin. He was decently behaved for a 1 1/2 year old, with a full body rash, stomachache, and diaper rash, who'd been traveling for 6 days, and who was now being asked to dine for a 5 course 2 1/2 hour dinner right at bedtime. Above is a photograph of how he coped with the the situation.
Thankfully every time he squawked my grandfather would turn around, see Win's cousin Esther, and blame her. It was a pretty good little system for Win.


Blogger sheetal patel said...

sounds like you had a fun trip and like win is really a trooper through all situations!

8:14 AM  

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